The wise words of Lao Tsu

*This too will pass * When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be * When you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to * Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage

Monday, May 22, 2017

Return to Blogging

I totally stopped this blog.  I got busy with life and everything and just stopped blogging. In that time I have returned to Australia after a whopping 8 and a half years living and teaching ESL in Yichang, China.
I am now tutoring ESL in Oz and I also train and accredit people who wish to teach ESL overseas like I did. This is through the company I originally trained with way back in 2008 that started my China Odyssey , ATA (Australasian Training Academy).
Do I miss China?  Absolutely!  But being home after such a long absence is also great. Anyway my plan is to get back to this blog as a kind of therapy for my integration back home . So much news to tell you all including how I bought my dog home with me, how I lived in Malaysia for a while, how I'm still contacted by my Chinese teacher friends and students and exactly how over 8 years of China living panned out.
Much love

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