The wise words of Lao Tsu

*This too will pass * When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be * When you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to * Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage

Thursday, September 1, 2011

All Running Like Chinese Clockwork

IMAG0085.jpg by sooy2
IMAG0085.jpg, a photo by sooy2 on Flickr.

My first day back at school today was full of the normal confusion and more.
I even went to school yesterday to check everything was ok in my classroom after the long holiday. I wanted to run a video I put together of photos from my holiday in Australia so I wanted to make sure the smart board and computer was all ok etc. Other than no internet connection, it was fine. What I wasn't to know was that gremlins would come later than me...more about that in a while. So today is in fact THURSDAY but at school it is MONDAY (schedule) tommorow FRIDAY becomes TUESDAY and we have to work SATURDAY this week but it is disguised as WEDNESDAY. So nothing much different there, Sunday and Monday become our weekend this week and then next week Tuesday is infact Tuesday and so on. So after my check yesterday, computer worked, video worked, cleaned up the classroom, rearranged the desks....all AOK. I rock up for my first class second period today, turn on the computer....NOTHING. I can't believe it, I try and get the computer expert to come but he is too busy, he said every computer was checked yesterday afternoon and my internet/modem didn't work but the computer will work if i press the esc button?????ANYWAY, some friends come and try and help me find the problem. The stress of the impending class has been released as I have just been told the kids have to watch something for the next two periods, so my classes this morning cancelled...YAY. back to the computer, we find out that the experts have taken the leads out and put the connections back in the wrong places???UNBELIEVABLE! So we put it back together and get it and the sound working...HOORAY and now I can go home for the morning....UH OH, why are all the kids going to classes? Oh the thing they had to watch has been cancelled, you've got the next period again. Soooo I went from 2 classes this morning to no classes this morning to 1 class this morning within 1/2 hour.
Come to China test your patience :-)