The wise words of Lao Tsu

*This too will pass * When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be * When you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to * Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Being an Aussie, I don't really have much of an idea about Halloween...My closest Halloween experiences have been the Haunted Houses that you either walk through or ride through at the "Royal Show" an invite to come and have a look at the American teachers "Haunted House" experience in Yichang was kind of intriguing. Many Chinese students and teachers from the university obviously felt the same way.Many, many people waited for a chance to see what it was all about. I have to admit that as I waited with my friends, I started having flash backs to being absolutely freaked out when my brother took me through a "Haunted House" ride when I was young...People grabbing me and tapping me on the shoulders etc...The wait was making us nervous :-)
It didn't help that many Chinese university students were literally running out the door screaming, shaking, almost in tears and looking very pale and frightened. I started to sum it up in my mind...o.k. I'm an adult now, It's just a haunted house, I know the people in there who are dressed up, I mean, how scary can this really be? It was just the peoples reactions that were making us a little wary.
When our turn finally arrived we braved up and entered...It involved walking up 6 flights of stairs with a different scene greeting us at each landing...Amy, Brad and friends had done a lot of work and the organisation was huge...The house was only supposed to be open for a couple of hours but they were running overtime with people still waiting to go in. Costumes, smoke machine, lighting, scary was all there.
and us? how did we handle it? I was proud of Nettie and Jess as they made comments such as "Oh good performance" and "you must be tired sitting here for hours"(to the person who was being a head sitting on a plate) :-) and me ? I'm not keen on freaking myself out, I just tried to make sure no one grabbed me :-)
So last night a piece of American Culture in Yichang.
Hmmm what can I think of for Australia Day? Maybe an Esky, a BBQ, some beach sand and beach cricket :-)

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