The wise words of Lao Tsu

*This too will pass * When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be * When you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to * Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage

Sunday, September 19, 2010

dusting off the blog

As I logged on to my blog, it felt like I had to blow out the cobwebs :-)
Life has been busy. New class schedule  with more hours, my own English Classroom to teach from (instead of going from class to class), New (white fluff ball of love) puppy "Moli", everyday stuff like cooking and cleaning...the days just fly past.
I have to decorate the new classroom, so I will get the kids to help out. At the moment I am using it(undecorated) and just the fact that I have the tables set in groups of 5 around the edge of the class and a big open space in the middle for games and activities, well lets just say it seems to have blown the kids minds. They are so used to routine, they find it hard when things are different. Luckily most of them also find it exciting.
With my new added hours of classes and a young puppy in the apartment, it's hard to find time to get across the river to Walmart. Now that there is fresh milk for sale there this year, it's a torment that I rarely get to pick it up. Many of my classes don't seem to be before lunch or dinner time at school which also means that I mostly come home and cook, well kind of cook anyway :-)
Both my apartment and my classroom are located on the 6th floor of their buildings, so I spend much of my time climbing stairs....up and down, up and down. It's 102 stairs up to my apartment...I haven't counted the ones at school but I'm pretty sure more. So added to the normal up and down for going to work and at work...also add the extra couple of times up and down at home for "Moli" morning and night so she can get fresh air and not stay in the apartment all day. I've taken to trying a kind of "walking the stairs meditation" seems to help :-)
Oh, I've also now got digital reception on my T.V. There is one English station  (lol) and just my luck...It's basically all news, which I hate to watch. Still at least the reception is good now and I can still watch ICS on PPTV which is my favourite English speaking station, produced in Shanghai.

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