The wise words of Lao Tsu

*This too will pass * When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be * When you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to * Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage

Friday, April 2, 2010

China habits good and bad?

Actually I'm not sure if I have posted about this already at some time, but I often think about it so it maybe warrants a mention, in case I haven't :-)
As I was skipping over the wet areas on the pavement yesterday, it made me think about what other Chinese habits, good or bad, that I have taken on.

The avoiding of wet areas on the pavement thing may sound a little strange to those not accustomed to life in China but it becomes kind of obvious why when you live here. The same logic also sees me take of my shoes and don a pair of slippers upon entering the door of my apartment, which of course is probably a much more familiar custom for you to read about :-)

Unfortunately along with the Chinese people I often wash my hands much more regularly than is probably considered normal. At first I found it funny that no-one in Macca's would touch their hamburgers etc with their hands, always holding everything in the wrapper, but now, I fear I follow suit...BUT...If I go to Macca's I usually order a big Mac, which comes in a box, not wrapped and I use a little bottle of sterilizing soap (the kind that you don't need water)...BUT....failing all that(if I forget the soap)...I don't worry about it as much and just eat the food :-)

Still on food, I now drink soup from the bowl instead of using a spoon (sorry mum ;-) and I too spit any bits of bone etc onto the table near my bowl if there is not little plate provided to put it on.

I can't bring myself to eat the skin on fruit and vegetables apples, pears,potatoes, tomatoes etc. They just won't do it here, which makes me think...why??? is the fertilizer and pesticides really that bad that it doesn't even wash off?When in Rome... but let me tell you peeling grapes is not my idea of fun and unfortunately I'm lazy enough that it puts me of eating much of the stuff when i know there is so much preparation to get it in your mouth.

I use old traditional Chinese folk remedies for minor ailments...often turning to steamed pear and rock sugar for coughs or brown sugar water for women's problems :-)

I seem to sometimes come out with strange mixtures of Chinese and English when I talk.

I'm a little obsessed about if I'm warm enough, people here are always constantly say "Make sure you keep warm". The weather here in Yichang is so changeable that it's not unusual to see people walking around in a down coat when the weather has hit 25 degrees +

I'm sure there are many many more, which I can't think of right now. Ahhh the things we do!

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