The wise words of Lao Tsu

*This too will pass * When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be * When you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to * Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Challenge

Seems I'm being tested...given some "Growth Material". Firstly "Merry Christmas" Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas Day and continue to have a great Chrissie break! I didn't blog my "Happy Chrissie" message yesterday because ....well...lets say it was definately a trying day. "Thursday afternoon (Christmas Eve) the water went off(not unusual for around here)...what is unusual is that it is now "Boxing Day" morning and the water is still not back on. "Christmas Day" itself was quite pleasant, I was asked to be a judge at the kids English singing competition in the afternoon. It was a lot of fun and a couple of the performances were really standout great! After that I came back to try and organise for my Chrissie Party, thats when the electricity went out aswell! With 7 friends and 10 kids about to arrive I tried to maybe "cancel" (the obvious thing we would do in such a situation in Australia...but...apparently not here!) So I walked to the shop downstairs and bought a heap of candles and a torch. Before most of the guests started to arrive, electricity did come back. With yet some other kinda cold thing hanging around...It was a tough evening to say the least.
Many dhamma teachings and other well known sayings that we grow up with kept running through my head "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" etc...
There is a Zen saying "When my house burned down, I gained, an unobstructed view of the moonlit sky"
Well I tried to see the stars but wasn't very successful (lol) Keep practicing I guess!

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