The wise words of Lao Tsu

*This too will pass * When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be * When you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to * Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Play hard

Must be something about the dogs I have in my life, they love to play to the max! Here's Mo, enjoying her two new toys from Australia.

Pick yourself up and dust yourself off...

Coming back for my fourth year has been a lot like the front of my apartment looks. If there's a hole, I fall down it. In a way even harder than my first year because then it was all new, lots to see and take in. The other couple of returns not much problem...but this one...Lets just say ^$#%^. I'm guessing that when  I came to China, it was hard, I challenged myself and learnt many lessons,then over the years maybe I've become complacent with my achievements. Climbed the steep mountain, got to the top, enjoyed the view, and now someone has kicked me off and decided it's time to climb again. It really (for a few reasons) has not been what I expected this year, my fault for falling into the trap of expecting anything. "This too will pass, This too will pass".
The demolition here is quite spectacular. The only good thing is this is the first area of the road they started, so hopefully it means it will be the first area to  be finished. Not very pretty, is it! If they try and find another teacher to come work at this school with me this I can only imagine how I would have felt in my first year if I arrived to all this. Some nights they work till midnight outside and some days they do nothing?? I took these photos today, as you can see there is not much activity, just mess.

Ahhh the parallels with life !

Sunday, August 14, 2011


It's not life that's hard, It's thinking about life that's hard.

Ajahn Brahm

How true!