Been so busy living I haven't felt like blogging so I'll try and do a quick report to catch up. Thanks to an Easter parcel from Mum and Dad I had some glorious Australian Chocolate and got to give Carol and Annie an Easter egg hunt. The kids really love trying the western cultures and look forward to Easter, Christmas and even Mothers day gave Carol heaps of joy this year. We organised a Mothers Day cake from Eliville bakery and I took Carol to buy a little treat for her mum.
One of my new favourite things to do is a Saturday morning walk through Bingjiang Park. Moli and I catch the ferry across to the city side and then take a stroll along side the river, through the park to Netties apartment(about 50 minutes). In the few years I have been here I have only really been to the main areas of the park, but since walking along much of it's length, I have found it to be so beautiful and very relaxing. It brings me back to normality and lets me see many of the varied and different activities that make China such an interesting place. People are busy all along the park exercising, doing martial arts, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Kite flying, playing Badminton, singing, playing traditional instruments, playing cards, Chinese Chess, drinking green tea.....The list goes on and on.
For something a bit different, there is a new scheme here which requests teachers to do some home visits to some students homes a few times a year, to build the relationship with the students, teachers and families.
The other night I attended a student/parent dinner and after that tagged along for a home visit to one of my students homes. Very, very interesting.